Ok, yesterday was a wake up call...

I went to get my hair cut and highlighted and my hairdresser says to me "umm Lauren, I just found something I've never seen before... white hair!"  I was shocked!  She said she found like 4 white hairs on the back of my head... it really just shook me because I don't have white hairs!  My MOM doesn't even have white hairs yet!  It really was proof that I've been way too stressed over the last few weeks... I mean first the pimple, now white hairs?  That's not OK!  I know I"ve been crazy stressed but this is unhealthy!  As the appointment was nearing an end she asked me if I wanted her to be honest, which of course I said yes... I in fact had more like 10-15 white hairs, not 4... HOLY COW.  So yeah, I am going to take it upon myself not to do any stressing or crazy things... as long as I can anyway... just take it in stride.  I am a stressball naturally, but this much is too much!  How do I make myself not stress though?  Thinking about that stresses me out!

Ok anyway, I'm done talking about this, hopefully I will not be back to "vent" in a while.  I'm off to put my mind into other things now :)

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