Ok, so I LOVE the trader joes cookies at christmas time-- peppermint joe joe's are soooooo effing good.  The chocolate covered ones even moreso.  I first tried them a few years ago, at my cousin Jennifer's- her husband Joe is addicted to them!  So, you can imagine my excitement when I found peppermint joe joe ice cream at Trader Joe's the other day!!!  But, how would it compare to the cookies.... it sounded good, but you never know...
After the first bit, I was hooked!!!  I'm not one to eat out of the carton, or drink out of the carton, but since we were moving, almost all our plates and bowls were packed and all that was left was paper plates, so i really had no choice... I think I could have eaten the whole carton in one seating if I really wanted to... no joke.  It's that good!!!

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